I often spend my evenings transcribing sheet music into MIDI
files. Sometimes I do this to create
backing tracks for later use, but often, I simply enjoy being able to listen to
the music. Be it piano solos beyond my
ability to play, a song I’m thinking of covering, or a choral piece I once
performed, I thoroughly enjoy this process.
Music has always been a critically important part of my life, and even
something as simple as transcribing it warms my soul.
Recently, I spent a couple of weeks working on a song
called “The Kid Inside” from the musical “Is There Life After High School?”,
and it has brought an interesting feeling of nostalgia. I’ve not seen the musical, but the synopsis
is essentially laid out within this song, which is the first in the show; it is
about a group of adult men and women remembering their experiences in high
school. This song has long been a
personal favorite of mine because I performed it in one of the last concerts of
my high school career. At the spring
concert every year, the graduating Seniors perform a choral piece as a way of
saying goodbye, and this was the piece chosen for my class. Though it has been fifteen years, I can
remember performing it as if it were yesterday.