This year, as I do most years, I went to visit my parents
for the Fourth of July. There is an
amazing fireworks show we watch every year that is quite literally in their
backyard, put on from an island in the lake behind their house. As per usual, we all got in the boat, found a
place, dropped anchor, sat back, and watched.
It was an amazing show, as it always is, but I found myself
contemplating where we are and where we are going as a country.
I am a patriot. I
love this country dearly because it is one of the most unique and most
remarkable ever created. Normally, when
I watch fireworks, I feel at least some sense of pride and awe at this
wonderful country. But this year, I
honestly felt nothing. As I watched
those beautiful flashes of color light up the night sky, I could not feel any
pride for this country.